(212) 858-0665
Our certified canines, will pinpoint with up to 98% accuracy where the bedbugs or bedbug eggs are hiding. All our canines have been trained at J&K Canine Academy in Florida by Pepe Peruyero. J&K is recognized as the “Gold Standard” in the entomology canine detection field with the ONLY termite & bed bug programs in the world with SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN RESULTS.
M&M Bedbug Inspectors, a division of M&M Environmental, is a premier pest inspection firm in NYC, and one of the largest NESDCA certified canine firms in the Northeast. Our vehicles and uniforms do not display the word “bed bugs” because we understand the importance of confidentiality. Our teams are extremely discreet. All findings are confidential and will not be shared with anyone without your written consent. If bed bugs are detected, we can work with you to develop a solution. Since our inspectors are not exterminators, they are able to focus 100% on inspection.